As I was watching this skateboard video I noticed that in the beginning of it he kept missing all his tricks and I'm sure he was very frustrated and maybe felt like giving up. I'm sure he felt embarrassed plenty of times as people watched him fail over and over again at trying to perform 1 trick. I bet he even has some wounds to show for all the times he fell on concrete after trying to perform a trick over and over again. But one thing I must say is that I admire and respect so many skateboarders around the world that they don't give up on trying to perform a trick. No matter how many times they fall. It could be one hundred times and they will get up time and time again until they finally get it right and it may not take the first day, 2nd day, 3rd or even the 30th day but eventually they get it right and I'm sure it's such a great feeling for them.
I've witnessed this first hand while watching the skateboarders at the skate park in Far Rockaway, NY. I say to myself wow imagine if we all take this same attitude when facing the challenges we battle with in our lives. Get right back up and try again. Don't quit it till you hit it attitude. Don't stop till you reach the top attitude. I don't know about you but I've failed plenty of times in my lifetime and sometimes it's been in the same area for the same thing over and over. But guess what? I don't give up. I get right back up like a skateboarder who has many scars and wounds from previous falls. Been laughed at rediculed called names. You name it. I've experienced some of the most terrible mockery and insults for what people feel they know about me but really don't. See what people don't understand is that I'm a work in progress. The Potter is molding me and I'm the clay.
They have not seen the finished product. They have not seen me perform
my final trick or stunt or miracle. But keep watching it's coming. They
can turn the channel if they want because maybe they feel it's taking
too long for me to get it right.
But I thank GOD he never turns the channel on us. He never walks away
from us saying oh well this person will never get it right. God never
gives up on us like we do. Sometimes people give up on us and sometimes
we give up on ourselves. But GOD's love endures forever. His mercies are
new every morning. So get back up and try again. You can do it. Your
life isn't over. God will heal those wounds. Some of the wounds we cause
ourselves some have been inflicted upon us by others. But you know what
no weapon formed against us shall prosper. We are more than conquerors.
He has made us to be winners.
Get back up!
Try Again.
Your Worth it!
Your a Winner!