Sunday, February 16, 2014

Enabling the Dreams of Others - Audio Sample from New Book

Here's an audio sample of a chapter from my new book about Beats N Blessings

In Beats N Blessings (BNB) my dream became to enable the dreams of others. Many times people couldn't understand why I invested so much of my time and talent into developing the talents and dreams of young people in BNB. I would call it the ultimate unselfishness ministry of music. This is one of the things that attracted so many young people to my ministry. They saw an opportunity to receive from the wealth of resources and development that I help provide them with. So many youth dream of using their gift of rapping, singing or making beats, but they don't have a place where they can develop or showcase this talent of theirs. I decided that BNB would be a place where youth can come off the streets and find a positive outlet to develop and express their musical talents. I started invited all the youth off the streets with flyers and by word of mouth and youth began to flock to BNB. Most of the young people would start
attending BNB by taking a digital music production classes. In these classes I would teach them how to use studio equipment to produce beats. After the beats were made many of them would then record lyrics. I feel that what I do with BNB is the total opposite of what the average rapper would do with his time. I'm not boasting in myself or the unique gifting that God has placed on my life. I'm boasting in my God who put this on my heart. If it weren't for him giving me a desire to see souls saved I wouldn't   have taking on this mission. I would say that I died to myself and my own personal agenda so that I could take on the ministry of grooming others in their talents and abilities. It reminds me of the word where it says that except a seed go into the ground and die it is good for nothing. But if it dies it will bear much fruit. This is exactly what happen with me as a result I was able to bear much fruit. I'm thankful that my fruit has also remained. I've seen many of the young peope in BNB go on to do very powerful things with their talents to the degree that they have been able to bear fruit as well. I basically planted seeds that produced trees which bore fruit that had seeds that furthered the God's work even beyond me. It's amazing how God's word fulfilled itself in my life to this degree and I'm so thankful for it. Another reason I poured so much of myself into the lives of young people is because youth begat youth. Meaning each seed bears seeds of it's kind. If we are to reach the young people of this world it's essential that young peope be involved in the process of converting other young people unto him. I know even for me when I was 17 years old I was brought to church by my cousin Derrick who was also 17 years old. If it weren't for God using him to invite me to the youth service at church I probably wouldn't be saved today. The powerful thing about my whole conversion is that there were other teens that help give me a vision for seeing myself on fire for God like they were. It was a very special season in my life and the minstry that occured amongst the young people he surrounded me with. These youth were so fired up that they helped to spark the fire in me. At that moment in time I saw for the first time that following God was not just something for old people, but it was for people my age also. Now many years after my conversion I saw many youth inspired to serve God when the youth in BNB would use there talents through rapping in singing. As the word says "may they see our good works and glorify our father which is in heaven." I believe God has used many elements of my own conversion to give me a vision for helping to convert others to him. I also remember accepting Christ at a play called "Jacob's Ladder". God used the actors in this play to give me a clear picture of what Christ had did for me on the cross when he died in my place. I was so moved by the Holy Spirit that my stomach was literally heated up and I knew it was God who was calling me to give my life to him. It's intresinting how I been used in the arts to win souls as well. My passion for using the arts to win souls clearly comes from my own experience. I know first hand how powerful God moves through the arts to reach many souls around the world. Using the arts and teaching others to do the same brings such a joy to my heart and it's from this place that I have found strength and tenacity to move beyond all obstacles and set backs. One thing I love about God is how he can turn any set back into a major come back. During the times when I found myself between a rock and a hard place my passion for using my talent for him woud be the catalyst keeping me in the race. It would cause me to keep knocking, seeking and asking, knowing that I will eventually see a breakthrough.

I wouud encourage anyone who is looking to enter ministry to do what brings them joy. Work from your passions and when difficult times come you won't give up. Many times people go into a ministry that they are not passionate about and when the adversary comes they give up because they were not passionate about it in the first place. Even in businesses people are advised to work at what they have a passion for so that when tough times come they won't give up and utimately fail in the business. Life can through us many curve balls and things will happen that can cause us to loose focus. But if we stick with what we love we will always find our way back to living out our purpose in life. There are so many things that can distract us from living out our true purpose. Over the years I've had many different business propositions come my way. Things that took up too much of my time and brought lots of frustration into my life. I would start out excited about the new found venture only to quit months later after my desire for that thing dwindled and lost it's attraction for me. This can be a very tricky and confussion place for many of us, especially when we are gifted with many abilities. Sometimes I wish that I didn't have so many talents becuase I get so scattered at times trying to do too much on my own. This is an5 other place we can loose focus. The best thing to do is to follow the 80/20 rule. In our lives it's 20% of what we do that brings about 80% of our prosperity. It's for this reason that we need to delegate the other 80% of what needs to be done to others who are masters at it. For example I learned to produced beats using many different tools from hardware to software, but It woud take me hours or even days to do what some of my producer friends could do in a matter of minutes so that's when I had to delegate that area of my ministry to others who are masters at it. This way my time is now more freed up to do what I'm a master at. Overtime I've come to see how God has given
me the annointing for activating others into ministry. I've seen it happen in so many ways and it's as though I didn't even realize how God was using me. I have a way of helping people to see what they are great at and launching them into using their talent in that manner. Basically this is what BNB has become a place where young people have been able to discover what they are great at and work on mastering and using that gift to impact the lives for others. Some would find that they're great at making beats, others would find they are great at rapping, singing or dancing. I guess you can call me a Holy Ghost Activator. (Lol). I love to look into the lives of individuals and pull out of them hidden treasures that have been buried or under nurished.  I guess this is why I have found so many people come around me showing me the same ministry. Even the writing of this book was inspired by prophets and prophetess who God used to help activate me into releasing this wonderful gift that was buried deep
inside of my heart. Sometimes I was misunderstood for why I do what I do and I had to learn how to ignore those who seek to distract rather than to understand how God is using me. The enemy at times uses others to persecute us because he's trying to get us off track from what God called us to do. He want's us to doubt the work that God is doing through us. Like Peter who walked on water when he kept his eyes on Jesus we need to do the same or else we will sink in the water as he did when he looked at the storm instead of keeping his eyes on Jesus. When I look at all the great things that God has done through BNB it amazes me to see how he allowed me to walk on water as well. I've also seen how when I took my eyes off Jesus I would began to sink in the troubled waters of life. But thanks be to God that when we sink we can always call on Jesus will reach down and pulll us out of our dispair.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Great Art Works Runs in My Family

Growing up I will always remember seeing my moms doing a great work of art. She made it look so easy. Her paintings and sculptures and other creative pieces have always been cherished by many. During one of my recent visits to her house I couldn't help but take a few pics of her paintings with iPhone 5 to share with the world in hopes of helping her to get some new customers. These pics are of paintings that are being worked on as we speak so they are not finished yet but I feel they are fantastic even in the state they are in now. When I shared them with people on my facebook they loved them so much also and didn't know the paintings weren't finished yet.

One of her paintings that touch me the most is the one she calls "Sisters" which is of two African girls. She's currently finishing up with two of the sister pieces which she plans to give to my sister Nicole and my cousin Twyla who grew up like "Sisters" because they were so close. As I look around I know of so many Sisters who grew up like Sisters although by blood they may not be sisters. It touch me so much that my mother is taking the time to make these paintings for her daughter and niece and calls it "Sisters" because in many ways they are more like Sisters than cousins.

If anyone desires to have one of these paintings reach out to me and I will make it happen for you.

Another painting she did is of the Watutsi Tribe in Africa. It's so powerful! The colors! Their facial expressions. There so much that can be said about this painting. If you would like one let me know.

I hope to have an art show for my mother one day and I've been talking to my family about helping me plan it for her so that everyone can come out see her great works on display and for sale. And to meet such a greatly gifted woman who's heart is full of creativity and love.

If you would like to be added to the guest list for the future art show for Georgette Allen just email me at

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Chase from Poverty to Celebrity

B Boy stances fat dooky rope chains 
Gazelles on our faces throwing rocks at planes 
Standing in the cheese line for a big block of cheese
Eating it for days wearing some dungarees 
These were the days of looking forward to free lunches 
Mama made sure that we went so we could fill up our stomachs 
Single mothers raised us and they did their best 
With food stamps and dirty diapers man it was a mess 
Somehow Hip-Hop was birthed out poverty and pain
Everybody in the hood wanted you to know their name
Just in case you forgot they'd wear around their name their neck
Sprayed it on their shirts and rapping for respect 
Getting good grades in schools no longer became a priority
Especially not with rap stars coming out of poverty 
My friends dropped out of school and never went back 
They would stay in the studio rapping on tracks 
Hoping one day you see their video on the screen 
That way they feel they made it in hopes of getting some cream 
It's hard to tell a kid with lyrical skills 
to keep his butt in school and that he ain't that ill
He would laugh at you talk about you right in his rap 
thinking he's gonna show you he will be on the map 
It's hard for the teachers to gain their attention 
They not driving a Mercedes so the kids don't listen 
It's a fight it's a battle for the bling and the ice
That comes with sexy chicks while they throwing the dice
It's a gamble it's a dream it's mix of the two
They hoping they won't loose and that their dream comes true

- Craig S.O.G

Poetry featured in my new book. Look out for it coming soon. Untitled

Growing up on Hip-Hop in the 80's

Raised on Hip-Hop in Queens New York 
Baisley Park battles All night in the dark 
Would usually end with a crazy dude busting off caps 
That's how the crowd would scatter after hearing the raps 
I remember standing there like I was watching a god
D Jays on the turn tables cutting it hard 
Mixing on the turntables doing fancy tricks
Emcees bragging on the mic how they bagging some chicks
You could here this loud music for miles and miles 
Forget giving out flyers we were running from our house
Was only 13 when I started building my studio 
Making mix tapes cracking jokes that was my duty yo 
We we're making a buzz while we were making some noise 
Pee Wee Killers watching thriller, back spinning b boys 
Spinning on our backs jumping off dirty mattresses
Dreaming about one day we be dating some actresses
Friends break dancing in my house busting some moves 
Wish they would've caught us on camera creating our own Crush Groove
The pioneers were our mentors teaching us the way to go
Shell top Adidas and big boom box radios 
Can't forget about graffiti we were tagging all around 
On the buses on the trains on any place in town
We wanted recognition for our gifts and our talents 
There were no fathers around so it was hard to find it 
We sought real hard to make a name for ourselves 
Formed crews drunk booze we were playing ourselves 
This is just a little taste of how the culture sunk in my soul
Now I'm on a campaign of walking streets of gold

- Keith Craig Allen

Giving you a taste of some poetry that will be featured in my new book "Untitled" coming soon.