Sunday, December 17, 2017

Live Performances by Very Talented Artists, Singers, Rappers, Dancers & Poets

Love Gift of $20 in Advance, $25 at the Door

Purchase tickets at 

We are Light Beings that have come to earth to visit in these earthen vessels.
We are filled with Divine Gifts & Talents that shine and makes us ROYAL LIGHT BEAMS
 when we manifest our nature as Co-Creators with God.

"For the Lord God is a SUN & Shield" Psalms 84:11

We his children of light are created in the image of Lord our GOD who is Light. And we shine like the SUN just as GOD does with beams of light

while the Morning Stars sang together
    and all the angels shouted for joy? Job 38:7

We are ELectrical beings full of electromagnetic energy. EL - is GOD ELohim.
It's the ELectrical power of ELOHIM that empowers us to be
 ROYAL LIGHT BEAMS. Every time touch someone and they feel a shock it's because of this ELectrical power that's flowing through our bodies. 

Sun of GOD (Son of God)

We are STARS in a Human Body

Karest (Ka) within us is where we get the word CHRIST. It's the anointing oil of Christ in our bodies, that pours down our spine from our CROWN chakra (Pineal Gland) down to our ROOT Chakra.