One day I was on my way to Jamaica Ave and traffic was held up in the street because a cow escaped from a local halal slaughter house on Liberty Ave and 165th Street. The cow escaped when a delivery truck was bringing the cow to be slaughtered. Somehow the cow was smart enough to runaway from the slaughter house. It was so halarious I had to pull out my cell phone so I could film the whole event and share it online. Eventually I found myself running down the street looking for the cow so I could get some footage. I eventually found the cow as it was running down 165th Street crossing over Jamaica Ave. And no it didn't bother to stop for the red light so you can imagine the type of entertainment this cow was giivng to all the shoppers on Jamaica Ave who saw the cow. Police even begn to chase the cow as they warned pedestrians to stay far away from the cow. Everyone was cracking up as we witnessed this cow running up and the streets of downtown Jamaica Queens. Eventually the cow ran into a parking garage where it was finally corner and tied up by one of the slaughter house workers who threw a lassso around the cows neck. After I had captured the footage I spoke with one of the loacal press photographers who showed up on the scene to get pictures of the event. The photographer gave me press ccontact name and telephone number to one of the local news channels NY POST. When I called I told them I have some good footage of the runaway cow. I asked them how much would they give me for the footage. They told me $200 and I started laughing. I knew my video was worth way more then $200 becase I was already involved in the business of selling my celebrity videos. After negotiating with the NY Post we eventually came to an agreement for them to use the video for more than double of what they originally offered. I never gave up my ownership of the video (my intellectual property). This means that I can continue making money from the video by selling the rights to use my video to other publishers & media outlets. I eventually sold the usage of my video to a few other news outlets and was able to make additional amounts of money. So in total I was able to earn a lot more for a video I captured on my cell phone. Till this day I can make money for the for video just by simply calling up different television broadcasters to offer them the rights to publish it. Thanks to my video the cow was eventually rescued by the owner of a farm in NJ who came to buy the cow from the slaughter house. I was so amazed to see that I help to save a cows life just by sharing a simple cow video with the right people who gave the cow world wide news coverage. Till this day if you ask anyone in NY if they heard about the runaway they would start laughing and oh yeah that was so funny to see on the news. The cow was eventually named "Freddie" by the owner of the farm in NJ who came to rescue him.
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