Monday, August 5, 2013

Time for Metamophosis

Just like the creature in this video we all have the capability of going through a metamorphosis. Can you imagine being a catapillar crawling around moving slowly throughout life and then one day you go through this amazing transformation where you become an awesome buterfly that's able to fly through the sky. In life we start out like catapillars but sometimes we don't always make it to being a butterfly because we get stuck in the life of a catapillar just crawling around in life. But we are not meant to stay limited to just crawling around we are designed to soar on wings like eagles. But before we can be a butterfly we have to be in a cocoon for a while.

A cocoon is a place where we feel alone and it's where God takes us through a transformation process. It doesn't always feel good to be in a cocoon because it feels like we are not really going anywhere but then all of a sudden it's like BOOOM we break free from the cocoon and we soar into the sky of greatness of who we are meant to be. No more time for crawling around let's fly high. I see you in the sky. Shalom!


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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Walk this way

I tell the story of why said "Walk this way"

God said walk this way…

One day I was on Jamaica Ave and God told me he wanted me to walk down the back streets in a direction I don’t usually go. At first I was like Lord is this you this feels a bit weird. The first day he told me to walk down this block I walked half way but then I walked back because I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing. Then I was on Jamaica Avenue a second time and He said it again walk down this block. I was like OK Lord I don’t fully understand why you want me to walk down this block but I will find out why. So when I walk down the block he had me walk by this church.

 I saw the doors open and I kept walking because I wasn’t sure if I should walk in the church. God said walk back to the door and walk inside. At first I still was hesitant because I wasn’t too sure. Yet I obeyed God and I walked into the doors of the church. To my amazement there was a youth camp going on inside where the kids where playing on buckets. There was a drum class being conducted and the kids didn’t have drums. I asked to speak with the pastor and told them who I was and what I do and that I wanted to meet the pastor and tell him about my music ministry. They told me the pastor had just left to go buy snare drums for the kids who were in the drum class playing on buckets. I said to myself wow that’s an awesome pastor. He stopped what he was doing in the office that day to go get drums for the kids. I was like wow this is the type of place I would love to share my ministry gift at. So I left the camp director with my CD and business card and asked her to forward it to the Pastor so they both can consider having me come minister at the church. A couple of days later I got a call from the camp director saying she liked my CD and wanted me to come share my music with the youth there. When I got to the church to set up the youth were very inquisitive about me and my music ministry. As I was setting up I was doing my best to answer all their questions.

 I performed my new song “My God” for them and they were so blessed by it that they asked me to perform it again. For some reason every time I perform this particular song I’m always asked to rap it again. I had so much fun there ministering to the youth who were dancing and enjoying themselves.

They even had me break out into a backspin breakdance move something that had me dizzy when I stood up LOL. At most of my events I give out some of my CD's and T-Shirts as prizes and the kids really were looking forward to winning. Some of the kids started crying when they didn't get a FREE CD or BNB T-Shirt I felt so bad for them. I told them they were all winners in GOD's eyes and to keep their heads up. I wish I could have given them all a Free T-Shirt and CD but I didn't have enough to do that. One day I know I will.
I know GOD is turning things around in my life and he’s taking me for one great ride. OK Lord which way do you want me to walk next? I’m at your service.

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God Bless You!
Walk this way....


Find out what happen to me in court

I didn’t know how I was going to win in court for these tickets I had got for having tinted windows. I was worried about what would happen to my driver’s license from these two tickets I got for tinted windows. Sometimes we worry about what we think will happen to us. Many times we need to trust GOD that everything will be OK we don’t have to worry. 

I really didn’t see a way out of the tickets especially since the cop who gave them to me said I had to go to a police precient or inspection station to have them confirm that I removed the tint. I drove to like 10 different places and every where I went they claimed they couldn’t help me so I felt I was going to have trouble in court since I didn’t have someone sign that I removed the tint. On the last day someone gave me the idea of taken pictures of the car and showing them to the judge and that should help me. I wasn’t sure it would work but that’s what I did and when I went to court the Judge looked at the pictures and dropped the charges for the tickets. I was so amazed how quickly he excused me and dropped the charges. Thank God I didn’t get any points on my license and I didn’t have to pay anything on the tickets. God is goooood.

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God Bless You!