Sunday, December 17, 2017

Live Performances by Very Talented Artists, Singers, Rappers, Dancers & Poets

Love Gift of $20 in Advance, $25 at the Door

Purchase tickets at 

We are Light Beings that have come to earth to visit in these earthen vessels.
We are filled with Divine Gifts & Talents that shine and makes us ROYAL LIGHT BEAMS
 when we manifest our nature as Co-Creators with God.

"For the Lord God is a SUN & Shield" Psalms 84:11

We his children of light are created in the image of Lord our GOD who is Light. And we shine like the SUN just as GOD does with beams of light

while the Morning Stars sang together
    and all the angels shouted for joy? Job 38:7

We are ELectrical beings full of electromagnetic energy. EL - is GOD ELohim.
It's the ELectrical power of ELOHIM that empowers us to be
 ROYAL LIGHT BEAMS. Every time touch someone and they feel a shock it's because of this ELectrical power that's flowing through our bodies. 

Sun of GOD (Son of God)

We are STARS in a Human Body

Karest (Ka) within us is where we get the word CHRIST. It's the anointing oil of Christ in our bodies, that pours down our spine from our CROWN chakra (Pineal Gland) down to our ROOT Chakra.


Friday, October 6, 2017

S.O.G interviews Rapper Konscious in Brooklyn, NY

Konscious Kicks some lyrics and shares with us some of the things he's doing to give back to his community a true Community Builder & Talented Artis Songwritter

Royal Light Anthem Song

Check out the 

Royal Light Anthem by Ra Jhuty a.k.a. S.O.G

All you Positive & Conscious Artist out there that want to collaborate with me on future songs reach out to me at 

Let's build

Music has always been a tool for us to make a huge impact on this earth. There's power in our tongue! Let's do it! 

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Royal Light Affirmations of Power, Freedom & Joy

Join with me in declaring and affirming your ROYAL LIGHT qualities of POWER, FREEDOM & . JOY. When saying these affirmations, it's best to visualize your declarations occurring in your life now.



I Am Powerful like the Sun I radiate powerful Beams of Light that Shine across the Universe. I have the Power to live out my Dreams and Visions for my Life. I have the power to achieve my Goals & Aspirations. Each day I Rise with Ressurection Power flowing throughout my Entire Being (Spiritually, Physically and Mentally). I have the Power to be my best version of Me on this planet right now. With the Power of my ENERGY (Inner G, Inner God), I release my Full Potential & Gifts.


I Am Joyful, I leap & dance with Joy. My heart is full of Joy & Laughter. Happiness is all around me. I'm strengthened with the Joy of the Lord. I see fun and excitement in my life and work. I produce Joy for others through my life's work and endeavors. People are attracted to my smile and joyful demeanor.


I Am Free from pain and struggle. Things flow easily for me. I'm free from financial debt. I am free from worry. I am not shaken or moved from my rightful place and birth right. I am Free from fear and doubt. I soar High like the eagle and I dwell in high places where I have a clear vision of where I am and where I'm going. I express freely who I am through my gifts and talents.

It's a good idea to say these affirmations each day and when your declaring these affirmations in you life it's best to visualize yourself experiencing it now.

Power, Joy and Freedom is yours now.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Royal Light gives HEALING, PROTECTION, FREEDOM & JOY - Malachi 4:2

Malachi 4:2New Living Translation (NLT)

“But for you who fear my name, the Sun of Righteousness will rise with HEALING in his WINGS.[a] And you will GO FREE, leaping with JOY like calves let out to pasture.
This scripture tells us perfectly what ROYAL LIGHT is. Many people have been purchasing the ROYAL LIGHT T-Shirts & Hoodies which are available online at  and they have been saying they love the ROYAL LIGHT design and have been asking me 
What does the ROYAL LIGHT design represent? 
This is a great question and I will attempt to answer in this blog post some of what it represents. It represents so many great things such as ROYALTY, DIVINITY & POWER. It also represents


Malachi 4:2 says, "the SUN of Righteousness will RISE with HEALING in HIS WINGS. "
Healing is in HIS WINGS, or in HIS RAYS as it says in the NIV ..

the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. Malachi 4:2 NIV
It's a proven fact that SUN RAYS bring HEALING to our body. As the SUN Beams Light down on earth we absorb LIFE and Healing from the SUN rays (wings or winged sun disk) into our bodies. Some even go as far as SUN GAZING to bring healing into their bodies. This is when you look at the sun for 10 seconds or more when the sun's UV index is between 0-2. Usually during the first hour of SUNRISE or an hour before SUNSET. 


The Wings also represent the protection of GOD. Just think of how an Eagle or Falcon protects it's eggs with it's wings. We are PROTECTED by the WINGS of GOD everywhere we go. So when you wear a ROYAL LIGHT shirt it's like your wearing GOD's protection for your life (temple). So many things try to harm us and it's great to have this powerful Spiritual Symbol of ROYAL LIGHT on us. Back in ancient times the temples in KEMET (Egypt) had the WINGED DISK symbol on the entrance of the TEMPLES. 

The SUN of Righteousness (Winged Sun Disk). According to the Myth of Horus Ra (Heru) the Falcon of God associated with the SUN GOD destroyed the enemies of Ra in the form of the winged SUN DISK.

Note in ancient times there was no distinction between SON or SUN. 

Long before the creation of the bible, there was the ancient Book of the Dead where we were given the legend of the Winged Sun Disk as it was told in pre-Christian civilization. In this ancient story we find that the greatest exploit of Horus is his victory over Set, to whom he was opposed as the winged sun-disk, Hor-Behudti (Horus of Edfu). For this achievement, Horus would be forever venerated as the Winged Sun Disk which can be seen in the temple of Edfu.

More Scripture about the SUN DISK

You will find references to the winged sun in many passages throughout the bible. Such as in, Ruth 2:12 - "The Lord recompense you for what you have done, and a full reward be given you by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge," 
and also in Psalm 91:4  - "He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart."

MALACHI 4:2 also talks about FREEDOM & JOY. 

Even the great country of America has Immolated the winged sun disk from ancient Kemet

And so many other corporations (Bently, Harley Davison, Mini etc.) copied the Winged Sun Disk also.

Here the ancient Kemet goddess Isis is shown as the Winged Sun Disk


 And you will go free, leaping with joy.

We are all born FREE. It's our GOD given BIRTH RIGHT. No matter what situation we find our selves in life we can rest assure that FREEDOM is our Natural Birth Right given to us by GOD ALMIGHTY and nothing or no one on this planet has any power over us, we can GO FREE as the scripture says leaping with JOY. 

Sometimes Corporations try to Lord it over us but they can never be the Lord over us. Corporations are artificial man made entities.

We have UNaLIENABLE Rights. Rights from GOD, that are not LIENABLE by any corporation, bank, mortgage company, credit card company,  entity, etc.

I can go a whole lot deeper into this fact of our  FINANCIAL FREEDOM from any financial debt, slavery or governmental system that attempts to violate our FREEDOM. 

"it is the people to whom the power belongs" - Thomas Jefferson
We the People

4. JOY 

JOY is a product of our FREEDOM. May we LEAP with JOY, Dance, Laugh, Shout, Smile and have a heart of Peace and Joy as we think about  and experience this promise that is ours. We receive this promise when the LIGHT shines on us the ROYAL LIGHT, the SUN of RIGHTEOUSNESS.

I hope this truth of what ROYAL LIGHT is will encourage you to embrace ROYAL LIGHT into your life so that you can experience HEALING, PROTECTION, FREEDOM & JOY

Order your ROYAL LIGHT shirts & hoodies online at