Monday, January 27, 2014

Flipside Mastermind Real Estate Coaching

It's an awesome thing when a coach comes alongside a person to teach a skill that can transform
The students life. That's just what the Flipside Mastermind (FM) Real Estate coaching is about. Erik Torrente developed the FM system to coach many of his students around the country. Not only has he been successful as a Real Estate Investor but he has helped many of his students to follow in his success. In this video you will here a powerful testimony from one of his students David from Newark, NJ. If your inspired to become a student of the Flipside Mastemind training don't hesitate to contact me and I will help connect with my good friend Erik. Originally, Erik and I met through my ministry Beats N Blessings where he was one of our music teachers at BNB Music Academy. Coaching others is a true gift that gives others the knowledge and encouragement they need to excell in any given trade or industry.  Feel free to leave a comment.

Watch David's Testimony about Flipside Mastermind Coaching

Monday, January 20, 2014

Can we Trust White People?

I was listening to the "I Have a Dream" speech by Martin Luther King Jr. and in it he spoke about how some people say you can't trust white people. When I was growing up I felt that white people couldn't be trusted. I remember as a young kid being bused into a white community to go to JHS and I recall the racial attacks on our bus. We were just young Black and Hispanic kids from South Side Jamaica Queens, NY going to JHS 210 in a white community. On our way to school there were racist white men throwing rocks at our bus and hitting the bus with bats and sticks. They were cursing at us with all kinds of filthy racial remarks. This occurred in 1983 when you would have expected racism to have been wiped out in NYC. MLK made his speech in 1963 and he helped to bring equality amongst whites and blacks in America yet there is still racism going on today. In this video I talk about if it's possible to trust white people.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Writing a book on Beats N Blessings

I'm writing a book about the Beats N Blessings (BNB) ministry that I founded in 1998. Through BNB  I discipled many young people who joined with me in evangelizing youth with Holy Hip-Hop. The ministry was featured NBC News and has done missions trips to London, England. The book has not been named yet and I plan to share excerpts from it in the near future so keep updated subscribe to my blog and\bnbvideo channel. Also go click like on my\beatsnblessings page.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Man Geechee entertains thousands of people regularly who ride the subway in NYC. On this particular occasion he had some guest dancers who showed off their skills through improve as he danced. It was a true vision of life which is the name of my video production company. I fortunate of enough to catch the show on video and I posted it on youtube. I was so amazed the other day to see that the video went viral and as of January 18th the video is 95,217 views. Watch the video and please share it on your facebook and email it to your friends online. My goals is to see this video hit over 100k views by mid February. Enjoy!